“You’re all going to die down here” Resident Evil (2002)

The Resident Evil film was released in 2002. It’s an adaptation of the video game that reinvented the survival horror genre. Despite sharing the same name and a few basic characteristics (T-Virus, Raccoon City, Umbrella Inc.), it shares very little resemblance to the game that fans loved.

Starring Milla Jovovich as Alice, the film starts off with the heroine awaking on the floor of her shower with an case of amnesia. After being taken captive by a elite private military unit whom unintentionally unleashes a horde of the undead upon them. She must fight to survive in a secret underground facility.

Milla Jovovich as Alice
Milla Jovovich as Alice

The film features the best SFX of its time, but what it lacks is the charisma of its characters. The mercenaries, along with Jovovich’s character, all feel generic and lifeless. The storyline was nothing compared to that of the original game, and the dialogue was ok at best.

I’m givin’ this one at 3 out of 10 and even that’s pushing it .